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Blue VeeStar
Green VeeStar
Yellow VeeStar
Red VeeStar
Orange VeeStar
Brain Scans

How color affects our brain.

Color is an expression of one of the energy forms reaching Earth from the Sun.

Solar energy is crucial to our lives – the warmth, the light, the seasons, vegetation, sleep and waking patterns – all these are examples of the way solar energy affects our lives.

Light is the primary expression of solar energy. Each color is a light wave with a different wavelength and frequency. As opposed to other forms of electro-magnetic energy, color is visible to our eyes. Light energy is converted to neural energy in our retinas. Light contains seven color energies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. Each color relates to a different area of our body, and has a different emotional, physical, and mental effect on us.

We can learn how each color affects us, and use it to give us an extra “push” of energy (when we get up in the morning a little low on energy, or we’re preparing for an important meeting), that is where the power of color can help.

To get the help of colors, think of the type of energy you need for today, choose the color that will help, and then “absorb” the color.

It’s a lot like pumping your car with the right kind of gasoline.

Studies conducted at the Wagner Institute for Color Research in California show that radiation by light with different color frequencies causes chemical reactions in living organisms.

Light entering the eyes has an effect on our physiology and the body’s biochemical reactions.

Neural ganglions in the retina, that have nothing to do with sight, are stimulated by the light to send a signal to the pituitary gland, and these continue to the pineal gland.

The glands are connected to the nervous system, and are responsible for various gland functions in our body. For instance, orange has an effect on the adrenal gland, which secretes adrenal hormones, which in turn stimulate the nervous system, blood flow and breathing. Blue color stimulates the thyroid gland and the parathyroid glands, which lower blood pressure.


Feng Shui gives colors a central role for two main reasons:

-      The Western psychological model - whereby colors are used to support a person and reinforce certain parts in his life. For instance,  yellow is used to improve concentration in children.

-      The Chinese five-element model –the five forms of energy (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) are also expressed in colors. For instance,  exposure to red, bright orange, burgundy, fuchsia, and pink will bring happiness, friendliness, enlightenment and strength.


According to Feng Shui, colors can be used inside the home to strengthen positive energy or weaken negative energy, in order to bring the house to a maximal flow and synchronization.

Dan Even explains color therapy. In a method called “colorpuncture”, the patient is radiated with light in a suitable color.

The color affects his physical and mental health. Color is a basic factor in life energy, and affects all levels of human consciousness.


Even explains that color therapy uses several basic colors: “red symbolizes love, blood flow, living energy, stimulation. Red should not be used in moments of anger.

Green symbolizes balance, harmony, happiness, decision making, discovering internal truth and hope. Orange symbolizes the sunrise, internal happiness and joy, and Gold symbolizes elation and regality.”


“A single ray of light can banish many shadows” (St. Francis of Assisi)


“A little light rejects much darkness” (Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad movement, Tania chapter 12)

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