
light is the only energy visible to our eyes.
Colors: light is the only energy visible to our eyes. Energy is perceived through color. The different wavelengths of light rays create color.
Color enters the cornea, and is transferred to the nervous system. Stimulation by color creates emotion.
Color also has a healing power – both physically and mentally. Studies of the human brain have shown that colors affect the brain through all levels of consciousness.
Colors create emotions such as tranquility, support, creativity, balance, and more. (Colors)
Each color sends a specific frequency to the brain.
Staring at a specific color for 30 to 60 seconds creates the appropriate stimulation for creating the desired feeling.
Every emotional experience begins with our senses. Our senses are our receptors. For instance, listening to a song we
like moves us emotionally, and the smell of food we like makes us feel hungry.
VeeStars passes messages through sight (the most dominant sense in humans) to affect our feelings.
Live feedback from friends and colleagues – sharing and receiving feedback reinforces and promotes success, whether
big or small.
These are suited to current emotional state, and the desired emotional state.
Friends and partners reinforce and motivate, they are the human touch that we miss so much in this day and age.
VeeStars enables and displays comments, in order to empower, impart emotional strength and happiness.
Reinforcement: VeeStars for meeting our goals
Marking completed tasks – lifts our spirits, boosts our self confidence, and encourages us to continue the task.
According to the operant conditioning theory, reinforcement is also an important part of learning.
Actions receiving reinforcement will be repeated in order to receive reinforcement again.
Receiving positive reinforcement causes a stimulation of the senses, which results in positive emotions.
Positive reinforcement is a pleasurable stimulation received after executing a desired action, with the view of increasing
its frequency.
Reinforcement should be suited to the learner, and can take various forms, including a compliment or word of encouragement.
Positive memories
Our memories can be recalled more easily when they are tied to powerful emotions.
VeeStars is there for strong people with high awareness who want to move forward, people who want to feel and
experience life with a positive attitude.
VeeStars welcomes you.
Combining these tools according to personal need at a certain moment, gives the right response, motivates, reinforces, encourages, and supports, while also creating tranquility, peace, and happiness.
Color of peace and calmness, consideration and faith.
In many religions, blue is considered“
the queen of heaven”, and is attributed
to divine powers, symbolizing inspiration, dedication, self expression It increases inspiration, spiritual comprehension, creates harmony, bestows peace, enables flow, alleviates fear, has effects on the nervous system and facilitates relaxation.
Color of growth, initiative and calmness.
“Green is the color of balance, harmony,
and sympathy. It has the power to balance positive and negative energies.
The ability to balance the three elements ofman- body, mind, and spiritcreating completeness,growth, calmness,and regeneration.”
The color of love, warmth,
and strength.
“Red is the symbol of life, also called ‘the great stimulator’ and ‘father of vitality’. It is a universal symbol of regeneration.
It provides a feeling of support, an
expression of focus andsupport, grounding and self confidence.
It provides strength from the earth and gives energy on all levels.
That is why it also improves and stimulates the blood flow”
The color of clear thinking, knowledge,
and happiness.
“Yellow is one of the foundations of our survival."
It keeps us warm.
Yellow gives us joyfulness and lightness of heart, improves our mood, gives the muscles energy, and rids us of negative thoughts which can bring
on depression.
Yellow balances mental confusion.
It symbolizes the brain and intellect, gives us clarity of thought, increases awareness, and raises interest and curiosity.”
Happiness, optimism,
and energy.
“Orange is the color of impulsiveness and creativity.
It brings the joy and happiness of creating.
The color of learning, experimentation, and flexibility.
The best emotional stimulant.
Connects to our senses and helps remove inhibitions”.